1 Personal Information
2 Emergency contact
3 Picture
4 Necessary Documents
5 Order Details
6 Agreement
Personal Information

Please check your spam/junk folder for our email.
Please add our email "[email protected] in your address book,
to avoid that our mail will arrive in your spam/junk folder.

Bo email lo wordo usa solamente pa nos comunica cu bo persona.
Your email will only be used to communicate with you.

Informacion cu a wordo yena ta correcto?

Information submitted is correct?

Contacto di Emergencia/Emergency Contact

Number di emergencia ta wordo usa si algun caso di urgencia pasa riba bus, pa nos por contact un persona pa informa e sucedido.

Emergency number is used if there is an incident on the bus, se we can contact some to inform about what occurred.


Manera corecto di saca potret./ Proper manner to take the picture

Rekisitonan pa por aproba potret:
- Background solido (1 color)
- Cara stret
- Potret cu pechi of bril di solo no ta permiti
- No ta permiti uza filter riba e potret
- Potret sin expresion (Ta permiti smile)
- NO ta permiti saca potret di pasfoto

Requirements for an approved photo:
- Solid Color Background
- Front Profile
- No hats or sunglasses
- No filters on photo
- No expressions (Smiles are allowed)
- Picture of a passport photo is NOT allowed

Documentonan Necesario/ Necessary Documents

Comprobante di scol por ta Rapport cu ta studiante na e scol of Prueba di pago di Aña Escolar Nobo. Nomber di e studiante mester parece riba e prueba.

School attendance proof can be a report card or Proof of payment for new school year. Student's name must appear on proof.

Order Details
Metodo di pagoPayment Method

When using online bank transfer, you will have to use the Order Number received per email in the description of your payment. Please send us a proof of payment.

Ora di hasi transfer via cuenta bancario, lo mester usa Order Number cu ricibi via email den e descripcion di bo pago. Por fabor manda nos un copia di e comprobante di e transfer.

Cash Payments can only be made at Busstation San Nicolas or Busstation Booth Oranjestad.

Pagonan cash por wordo hasi solamente na Busstation San Nicolas of Busstation Booth Oranjestad.

Con kier ricibi SmartcardHow would like to receive your smartcard

Delivery di e Smartcard tin un costo di AWG 5,00 pa cada un.

Delivery of Smartcard will cost AWG 5,00 per card.

Smartcard Rules & Regulations
  • -E carchi aki ta keda propiedad di Arubus N.V.
  • -Pa cambia un carchi cu a daña of a perde, mester paga un suma di AWG 25.
  • -E carchi lo wordo invalida of blokia den caso di mal uzo.

  • -This card remains property of Arubus N.V.
  • -To replace e damaged or lost card a fee of AWG 25 must be paid.
  • -The card will be withdrawn or blocked in case of misuse.

For more information please visit ArubusNV on Facebook or arubus.com

Mi ta di acuerdoI agree
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